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Prompt flows

Prompt flows are used to collect signatures, take photos, and interact with the user in different ways.

Updated over a week ago

What are prompt flows?

Prompt Flows Prompt Flows are a series of interactions that gather information from the user. Prompt flows are used to collect signatures, take photos, and interact with the user in different ways.

A Prompt Flow is made up of a series of Prompts, and might have branches depending on the data collected. Each prompt has some configuration. You can decide which prompts we show, and in what order.

Choice Prompt

Prompts the user to select one of a set of choices, or to cancel.

Configurable aspects

  1. Header

  2. Optional subheader

  3. Buttons

  • Where each button takes you. Label for each button

Signature Prompt

Prompts the user to collect a signature (ideally from a consumer), and may also include an acknowledgement.


  • Prevents continuing until a signature is actually provided, and the checkbox (if present) is checked.

Configurable aspects

  • Header

  • Presence of a checkbox, and the message to be checked

  • Background image for signature pad (via Driver Settings). Label for submit button.


  • Signature.

Text Prompt

Prompts the user to enter free text. Useful for things like the signatory’s name.


  • Prevents continuing until text is provided.

Configurable aspects

  • Header

  • Contents of optional explanatory paragraphs.

  • Label for text box.

  • Placeholder for text box.

  • Label for submit button.


  • Text entered

Data Prompt


  • Prevents continuing until a date is provided.

Configurable aspects

  • Header

  • Label for submit button.

  • Optional validation (required number of years, useful for age verification).

    Text for failed validation message.


  • Date

Photo Prompt


  • Prevents continuing until at least one photo is provided.

Configurable aspects

  • Nil


  • One or more images from the device

Barcode Prompt


  • The prompt is created such that scanning with a built-in scanner should automatically fill the field.

  • Prevents continuing until a barcode is captured

Configurable aspects

  • Header

  • Label for barcode field

  • Placeholder for barcode field

  • Label for submit button

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