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CSV fields for Jobs
Updated over a week ago

Uploading CSVs with jobs is one of the common ways to create jobs into NowGo. Whilst you can include any information in the CSV there there are number of fields that have meaning in NowGo and that will be processed automatically. These might sometimes be referred to as “First Class” fields because NowGo has a first class understanding of how these pieces of information work.

For a CSV upload to be valid the only field required is the address. Whilst other fields can be useful they are optional. In the case where only the Address field is recognized, the following default values are assigned to some fields:

  • General Job ID: automatically generated

  • Job Type: Attend

  • ID: automatically generated

  • Co-ordinates: Automatically geocoded

  • Time Window: 9:00-17:00

  • Service time: 120 (this is in seconds)

  • Date: set to the next day

When uploading please note that while most of the field names are case insensitive (lowercase and uppercase letters are treated the same) some are not. Field names that aren’t recognized or don’t match the exact case are saved under “Special Data”, in which case field names are case sensitive.

Below is a table of all “First Class” fields that carry certain meaning in NowGo. If you upload a field that is not a “First Class” field it will be processed by NowGo and save under the job inside “Special data”. “Special Data” is not used by NowGo in any meaningful way in to the Dashboard or in the App but it exists as information on the job.

Field name





Address of the job. If left blank, NowGo prompts “Please enter a recognisable address to locate”. You may also need to edit the stop information to ensure the address is visible to the driver.

123 Example St, TOWN STATE 1000



If left blank NowGo automatically assigns the “Attend” job type.

Creates a heading for the Id, External Reference, Address, Coordinates, Time Window, and Service time



Time Window Start

Start time for the job. Defaults to 9:00am if not specified



Time Window End

End time for the job. Defaults to 5:00pm if not specified.



Service Time

Time that the job will take in seconds (e.g. 180 for 3 minutes). Defaults to 2 minutes (120) if not specified.



Date or Start Date

Start date of the job. Also used as the end date unless End Date is specified. Defaults to tomorrow's date in your timezone if this is not specified.



End Date

End date of the job. If not specified, Date/Start Date will be used instead




Will not be recognized if the corresponding Longitude is not included.

Useful when you have the specific coordinates for a particular service entrance.



Will not be recognized if the corresponding Latitude is not included.

Useful when you have the specific coordinates for a particular service entrance.


Driver Email

Email for the driver. Jobs with a driver email will be assigned to the corresponding driver’s shift.


Capacity Costs

The LHS value in the bracket is the ext_ref of the capacity, the RHS value is the cost of this job, always in the base unit - see below for more info about units.

Capacity cost of this job. If the shift has a vehicle/vehicle type with capacities, then this job must not exceed capacity limits of the vehicle/vehicle type

(weight, 50)(volume, 100)



The LHS value in the bracket is the ext_ref of the attribute. The RHS value in the bracket is either the boolean value or numeric value required by the job

(refrigerated, false)


Vehicle Preference

The LHS value in the bracket is the ext_ref of the vehicle. The RHS value in the bracket is the preference status: which can be:

  • allowed

  • disallowed

  • preferred

  • dispreferred

(big_truck, allowed)
(big_truck, disallowed)
(big_truck, preferred)
(big_truck, dispreferred)
(big_truck, allowed and preferred)
(big_truck, allowed and dispreferred)


Vehicle Type Preference

The LHS value in the bracket is the ext_ref of the vehicle type. The RHS value in the bracket is the preference status: which can be:

  • allowed

  • disallowed

  • preferred

  • dispreferred

(car, allowed)
(motorcycle, disallowed)
(clown-car, preferred)
(clown-motorcycle, dispreferred)


Job Reference

Used to link stops as part of the same job

e.g., Job Reference:

Pickup = “1”;

Deliver = “2”

For CSV, rows must be uploaded in sequential order i.e., pickup before delivery



**These fields need to be set up in NowGo dashboard for these CSV fields to function as expected


There are two capacity units available: Number and Weight

If you select Weight, the number specified in the CSV will be in milligrams even if you select grams or kilograms. e.g in the Capacity Settings page you select grams, in the csv you enter (weight, 1000) → in NowGo this displays as 1 gram as 1 gram = 1000 milligrams.

For the bracket format, the first item in the bracket is whatever you set as the external reference. For example, if you set your Capacity external reference to widget, in the csv you would enter (widget, number).

Stop Custom Data

You can add custom data fields to NowGo in the Dashboard.

  1. Click on your email address on the top right

  2. Click on Settings from the drop-down menu

  3. Click on Dashboard Configuration, then click on Stop custom data from the side menu

  4. Click on Add New;

  5. Enter the stop field details and a JSONpath;

  6. Click on Save Changes.

NowGo needs a JSONPath to the custom data you want to show. This path can point to lists as well as single items. For more information on how to use JSONPath, we like Stefan Goessner's guide.
If you added custom data via CSV, the JSONPath will simply be $. followed by the column header. For example, if the column header is booking, the path will be $.booking.

Field name






Based on the example given in the dashboard, this would be custom data related to relevant booking details


Entering jobs with depot interactions

A job that requires something to be picked up from a depot and then delivered to a customer will share a Job Reference, for example:



Job Reference

Time Window Start

Time Window End


Service Time

Driver Email

Contact Name

Contact Phone



24 Hanly St, Lansdowne NSW 2163, Australia






John Doe


Pickup from docks behind reception


3 Booyong St, Cabramatta NSW 2166, Australia






John Doe


ATL: leave outside building 3 behind security fence.

(In the above example, the instructions field is stored as custom data)

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