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Manage jobs, stops, and shifts
Information about jobs, stops, and shifts in the NowGo dashboard
31 articles
Route optimisation
Route optimisation tools
Understanding route optimisationUnderstand the different ways that you can optimise routes in the NowGo dashboard, using the Solver, Sequencer, and Smart Assign tools.
Using Solver to optimise routesCalculate the most efficient route and job allocations for drivers and vehicles
Using smart assign to assign jobs to shiftsCalculate the most efficient job allocations for drivers and shifts
Using the sequencer to reorder stops during a shiftCalculate the best sequence for stops within a shift
Using Smart Assign to quickly add jobs to shifts
Optimize a specific group of shifts and jobs
Managing shifts
Managing shifts
Add and edit shiftsAdd, edit, archive, and search for shifts in your NowGo dashboard
Recurring shift rulesFind out how recurring shift rules can save you time, and learn how to set up a recurring shift rule
How do I add a new Shift?
How do I search for a Shift?
Removing or Deleting a Shift
How do I modify/edit a shift?
About job templatesLearn how job templates can help you quickly add new jobs in your NowGo account.
Using job templatesCreate jobs using job templates, and adjust your job templates as your job details change
Job template CSV uploadsFind out how to create job template CSV files, and what information you can include
Editing job templatesAdjust your job templates to change preset values
How do I add a shift template?
Using shift templatesLearn how to create new shift templates and help drivers quickly add new shifts in the NowGo mobile app.
Using CSV files
Using CSV files to manage bulk job and shift actions
Job CSV uploadsFind out how to create jobs using CSV files, and what information you can include
Shift CSV uploadsFind out how to create shifts using CSV files, and what information you can include
Downloading a plan from dashboard to CSV
Adding shifts using a CSV file
Adding jobs using a CSV file
CSV fields for Shifts
CSV fields for Jobs
Shift CSV template
Jobs CSV template