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What reports can I generate in NowGo?
Updated over a week ago

From the Dashboard you are able to generate 4 different reports via the below page:

  1. Capacity report: Includes maximum capacities and maximum capacity utilisation on a shift basis.

  2. Shift Summary report: Summarised report on a shift basis.

  3. Shift Stops report: Detailed report for shifts on a stop basis, including proof of deliveries.

  4. Compliance Check report: A report of all shift compliance checks, all questions and responses.

The left column allows you to select a report you would like to generate:


The middle column contains parameters and filters you can modify for your report:


These filters include:

  1. Start date – The start date of what information to include in the report, this is a mandatory field.

  2. Start time – The start time of what information to include in the report, this is a mandatory field.

  3. End date – The end date of what information to include in the report, this is a mandatory field.

  4. End time – The end time of what information to include in the report, this is a mandatory field.

  5. Timezone – What timezone information in the report should include, this is a mandatory field.

  6. Include Capacity types (only available for Capacity report) – Whether to include all or selected capacity types, this is a mandatory field for capacity reports.

  7. Channels – what channels to include in the report, leaving it blank includes all channels you have permission to view.

  8. Drivers – what drivers to include in the report, leaving it blank includes all drivers you have permission to view.

  9. Vehicle Type – what vehicle types to include in the report, leaving it blank includes all vehicle types you have permission to view.

  10. Vehicle – what vehicles to include in the report, leaving it blank includes all vehicles you have permission to view.

The right column shows a list of the fields that are present within the exported report. Some fields beyond the list can be included pending your settings and some only show if the contents are in the file (e.g. if no stop in a Stop Summary Report were unsuccessful then the column for "Reason" will not be included).

Reports can be exported as a comma separated value file (CSV) or an excel style format (XLS).

A list of fields and their descriptions for each report are listed below:

Capacity Report

Field Name


Driver Name

The Driver Full Name

Driver ID

The Driver Identification Number

Driver Email

The Driver email address

Driver Ext Ref

The Driver External Reference (used for API calls / development)

Driver Phone

The Driver Phone Number

Shift ID

The Shift Identification Number

Shift Ext Ref

The Shift External Reference (used for API calls / development)

Shift Name

The Shift Name

Shift Start Date

The Shift Start Date

Shift Start Time

The Shift Start Time

Shift Start Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift Start Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Shift End Date

The Shift End Date

Shift End Time

The Shift End Time

Shift End Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift End Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Channel Name

The Channel Name

Channel Id

The Channel Identification Number

Channel Ext Ref

The Channel External Reference

Vehicle Type Id

The Vehicle Type Identification Number

Vehicle Type Ext Ref

The Vehicle Type External Reference

Vehicle Type Name

The Vehicle Type Name

Vehicle Id

The Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Ext Ref

The Vehicle External Reference

Vehicle Name

The Vehicle Name

Capacity Types

Pre-set Capacity Types based on Report Generation Filters

Capacity Id

The Capacity Identification Number

Capacity Name

The Capacity Name

Capacity Ext Ref

The Capacity External Reference

Capacity Limit

The maximum weight (in grams)

Maximum Capacity Usage

The peak capacity usage based on drop information

Usage Exceeded Limit

True when Maximum Capacity Usage is over Capacity Limit

False when Maximum Capacity Usage is under Capacity Limit

Used to quickly check if Driver’s Vehicles are over Capacity


Shift Summary Report

Field Name


Driver Name

The Driver Full Name

Driver ID

The Driver Identification Number

Driver Email

The Driver email address

Driver Ext Ref

The Driver External Reference

Driver Phone

The Driver Phone Number

Shift ID

The Shift Identification Number

Shift Ext Ref

The Shift External Reference

Shift Name

The Shift Name

Shift Start Date

The Shift Start Date

Shift Start Time

The Shift Start Time

Shift Start Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift Start Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Shift End Date

The Shift End Date

Shift End Time

The Shift End Time

Shift End Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift End Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Channel Name

The Channel Name

Channel Id

The Channel Identification Number

Channel Ext Ref

The Channel External Reference

Vehicle Type Id

The Vehicle Type Identification Number

Vehicle Type Ext Ref

The Vehicle Type External Reference

Vehicle Type Name

The Vehicle Type Name

Vehicle Id

The Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Ext Ref

The Vehicle External Reference

Vehicle Name

The Vehicle Name

On Time Stops

The number of stops that were on time

Late Stops

The number of stops that were late

Early Stops

The number of stops that were early

Stops Completed

The number of stops completed

Stops Not Completed

The number of stops not completed

Unsuccessful Completions

The number of unsuccessful completions (stops that were not marked complete or not complete)

Successful Completions

The number of successful completions (stops that were marked either complete or not complete)

Actual Total Time (Minutes)

The total time in minutes for the shift

Last Accepted Compliance Check

The date, time and timezone of the Driver’s last completed compliance check

Last Unaccepted Compliance Check

The date, time and timezone of the Driver’s last unaccepted completed compliance check

All stops completed in sequence

Yes if all stops are completed in sequence

No if not all stops were completed in sequence

Shifts Stops Report

Field Name


Driver Name

The Driver Full Name

Driver ID

The Driver Identification Number

Driver Email

The Driver email address

Driver Ext Ref

The Driver External Reference

Driver Phone

The Driver Phone Number

Shift ID

The Shift Identification Number

Shift Ext Ref

The Shift External Reference

Shift Name

The Shift Name

Shift Start Date

The Shift Start Date

Shift Start Time

The Shift Start Time

Shift Start Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift Start Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Shift End Date

The Shift End Date

Shift End Time

The Shift End Time

Shift End Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift End Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Channel Name

The Channel Name

Channel Id

The Channel Identification Number

Channel Ext Ref

The Channel External Reference

Vehicle Type Id

The Vehicle Type Identification Number

Vehicle Type Ext Ref

The Vehicle Type External Reference

Vehicle Type Name

The Vehicle Type Name

Vehicle Id

The Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Ext Ref

The Vehicle External Reference

Vehicle Name

The Vehicle Name

Stop Address

The Stop Address

Stop Latitude

The Latitude of the Stop

Stop Longitude

The Longitude of the Stop

Stop Type

The Type of Stop e.g. Pickup or Dropoff

Stop Id

The Stop Identification Number

Stop Ext Ref

The Stop External Reference

Job Id

The Job Identification Number

Job Ext Ref

The Job External Reference

Job Start Date

The Job Start Date

Job Start Time

The Job Start Time

Job Start Timezone

The Timezone for the Job Start Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Job End Date

The Job End Date

Job End Time

The Job End Time

Job End Timezone

The Timezone for the Job End Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)


True when Job is marked as completed or not completed

False when Job is not marked completed or not completed

Completion Success

True when a Job is marked as completed

False when a Job is marked as not completed

Blank when Job is not marked as completed or not completed

Completion Send Time

A timestamp of when the driver marked the Job as complete or not complete

Completion Send Date

The date of when the driver marked the Job as complete or not complete

Completion Send Timezone

The Timezone of when the driver marked the Job as complete or not complete (used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Completion Receive Time

The timestamp of when the system received the data indicating a Job as complete or not complete

Completion Receive Date

The date of when the system received the data indicating a Job as complete or not complete

Completion Receive Timezone

The Timezone of when the system received the data of the Job as complete or not complete (used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Completion Latitude

Latitude of where the Driver Completed the Job

Completion Longitude

Longitude of where the Driver Completed the Job

Lateness (Minutes)

Total Late time for the Job

POD Attachments

Links to any Proof of Deliveries (signatures or photos) attached to a Completed Job


The Driver’s Reason for unsuccessful Job Completion

Compliance Check Report

Field Name


Driver Name

The Driver Full Name

Driver ID

The Driver Identification Number

Driver Email

The Driver email address

Driver Ext Ref

The Driver External Reference

Driver Phone

The Driver Phone Number

Shift ID

The Shift Identification Number

Shift Ext Ref

The Shift External Reference

Shift Name

The Shift Name

Shift Start Date

The Shift Start Date

Shift Start Time

The Shift Start Time

Shift Start Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift Start Time (Used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Shift End Date

The Shift End Date

Shift End Time

The Shift End Time

Shift End Timezone

The Timezone for the Shift End Time (used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Channel Name

The Channel Name

Channel Id

The Channel Identification Number

Channel Ext Ref

The Channel External Reference

Vehicle Type Id

The Vehicle Type Identification Number

Vehicle Type Ext Ref

The Vehicle Type External Reference

Vehicle Type Name

The Vehicle Type Name

Vehicle Id

The Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Ext Ref

The Vehicle External Reference

Vehicle Name

The Vehicle Name

Capacity Types

Pre-set Capacity Types based on Report Generation Filters

Compliance Check Name

The Name of the Compliance Check

Compliance Check Ext Ref

The Compliance Check External Reference

Compliance Check Date

The Date when the Compliance Check was completed

Blank if the Compliance Check has not been completed

Compliance Check Time

The Time when the Compliance Check was completed

Blank if the Compliance Check has not been completed

Compliance Check Timezone

The Timezone for the Compliance Check Time (used when a driver has to travel across different Timezones)

Compliance Check Result

True when the driver successfully completes their compliance check

False when the driver fails to complete their compliance check

List of compliance questions

A new column for each compliance question

Yes when the compliance question was accepted

No when the compliance question was not accepted

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