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The NowGo API

Get started with the NowGo API for developer access to NowGo functionality

Updated this week

NowGo allows you to create and schedule logistics jobs, and to modify those schedules in real time. The NowGo optimisation engine enhances this capability with best-in-class vehicle routing AI. The NowGo API gives you programmatic access to all this functionality.

Stops and jobs

The key unit of work in NowGo is the stop.

πŸ“š Example stop:
...deliver the package to 12 Smith St on the afternoon of January 1st...

A stop represents a requirement to send a driver to a particular location, subject to constraints. NowGo will achieve this goal as efficiently as possible.

A stop might be a pickup, or a delivery, or even a service call. Stops have a single location, a service time, and a window of time when they can be performed. It's also possible to add other requirements, like a specific driver.

A job groups stops together. Each stop belongs to exactly one job; each job may contain any number of stops. All the stops in a job will be performed by the same driver.

A pickup from one location and delivery to another is a job, consisting of two stops. An assistant collecting money to be deposited, doing so at the bank, and returning to the office is a job with three stops. A service call is also a job, but has only a single stop.

This example job consists of two stops: collection at the depot, and delivery to 12 Smith St.

πŸ“š Example job:

...collect the package from the depot before midday of January 1st, and deliver it to 12 Smith St that afternoon...


A shift represents a period of time in which a driver is working in the NowGo system. Shifts tell the system when drivers can be scheduled to complete stops.

πŸ“š Example shift:

...Andrew has a shift from 10:00am until 6:00pm on 1 Jan...

You can think of a shift like an itinerary or runsheet, with a starting time and list of work to do. NowGo works out who should do what, and when.

Stops are assigned to shifts for completion, either automatically by the system or manually by a dispatcher.

Stops can be assigned to at most one shift at a time. A stop not assigned to any shift is said to be `unassigned`.

Drivers and vehicles

Drivers and vehicles are the real-world resources used to complete jobs. Shifts can be assigned to a driver and a vehicle.

πŸ“š Example driver and vehicle:

...We've assigned the 9am Melbourne run to Cheryl, in the fridge truck...

When a driver is assigned a shift, they can use the driver app to see the stops scheduled in that shift, and complete them. Scheduled stops also have an ETA. Dispatchers can change the order of planned stops, and the app will show the changes.

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