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Using job templates

Create jobs using job templates, and adjust your job templates as your job details change

Updated this week

When you have uploaded your initial job templates, they are ready to be used to create jobs.

A job template can have a full set of specific details including addresses, customer details, times and constraints, or less specific details that are limited to an action type or time. Regardless of which details your template has, you can modify the specific details of the job before it is dispatched to a driver.

A screenshot of the NowGo dashboard, showing the Add a Job screen, with pinned job templates

You can create jobs using job templates in the NowGo dashboard. When you have created a new job from a job template, you can make any changes you need before you dispatch the job to a driver.

Create jobs using job templates in the NowGo dashboard

Job templates are used to prefill job details when you create jobs in the dashboard. When you create a new job, you can pick a template from the Add job screen. You can use a pinned job template by selecting it from the top row, or select from the full list of templates. Job templates are listed with their names, references, and stop addresses, along with available actions, and you can search the list to find the template you need.

When you type a search term, it matches against:

  • The name of the job template

  • The external reference of the job template

  • Address fields, including street, suburb, postcode, state, and country

Creating a job using a job template

  1. In the NowGo dashboard, click Add, and select Add Job.

  2. In the Add a Job screen, select a pinned template or navigate to the template in the list and click Use this template.

  3. In the Add Job screen, template details are pre-filled. Make any changes to the job.

  4. Click Add Job to save your changes and create the job. You are returned to the job on the dashboard, so you can assign the job to a driver.

Edit prefilled job template data

When you create a new job from a job template, data from your job template is pre-filled. You can use the Add Job screen to edit the prefilled details. Updated details apply to the job you are creating, but do not change the job template.

On the Add Job screen, you can:

  • Add additional stops to this job

  • Delete stops from this job

  • Select an action type

  • Modify service and location times

  • Choose a priority

  • Set address, date and time requirements

  • Set custom data

  • Set vehicle preferences

When you create a new job from a job template, make sure you:

  • Check for missing required fields, such as address, date and time, and fill in these details if necessary.

  • Check for other fields you may want to modify for this specific job before it is dispatched to a driver.

A screenshot of the NowGo dashboard, showing the Add Job screen with editable fields
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