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Add and edit shifts

Add, edit, archive, and search for shifts in your NowGo dashboard

Updated over 3 weeks ago

You must have a shift to be able to assign drivers, create jobs, and assign them. When you have created some shifts, you can search them, edit them, or delete them as you need to.

A screenshot of the Dispatch screen, showing 9 shifts with drivers assigned

This article is about manually creating, editing, and deleting shifts in the NowGo dashboard. For information about using recurring shift rules to create shifts instead, see the Recurring shift rules article.

Manage shifts

When you have created some shifts, you can see an overview on the Dispatch tab.

This page shows the total number of shifts, and the name and colour of the driver assigned to the shift, along with their working hours. You can click a driver to see information about the jobs and stops for that driver during the shift.

For more detail, navigate to Resourcing → Shifts to see a complete list of shifts. This page shows the start and end time of each shift, along with the assigned driver, the shift name, channel, and completion status for easy access to this information. By default, shifts on this page are ordered by creation date.

On each shift entry, you can click the pencil icon to edit the shift details.

Use the filters on the left hand side to filter by date, driver, or shift name. As you adjust the filters, the shifts shown in the list update to show only those that match your filters.

Add a new shift

You can add a new shift from the Dispatch tab by clicking Add → Add shift. Alternatively, you can use the Resourcing tab.

Adding a new driver account

  1. In the NowGo dashboard, click Resourcing.

  2. In the Shifts tab, click Add new shift to open the Add shift screen.

  3. In the General section, complete these details:

    • In the Channel field, select the channel for this shift.

    • In the Driver field, select a driver to assign to this shift.

    • Optional: In the Name field, type a name to use for this shift.

    • Optional: In the Vehicle field, select a vehicle to use for this shift.

    • Optional: In the Vehicle type field, select a vehicle type to use for this shift.

  4. In the Start and end section, complete these details:

    • In the Start date and time fields, select a date and time for this shift to start.

    • In the End date and time fields, select a date and time for this shift to end.

    • Optional: In the End location field, type a location for this shift to end at.

  5. Optional: In the Attachments section, you can add any attachments for this shift.

  6. Optional: In the Settings section:

    • Turn on the Allow driver to add jobs option to allow drivers to add jobs from the app.

    • Turn on the Allow driver to auto-sequence option to allow drivers to re-sequence their stops from the app.

    • Turn on the Allow driver to edit stops option to allow drivers to edit stops from the app.

    • Turn on the Allow matching jobs to be automatically assigned to this shift to include this shift when automatically assigning jobs with Smart Assign. For more information, see the Smart Assign article.

    • In the Maximum hours field, type the maximum number of hours this shift can run for.

    • In the Driver out of bed cost, type the minimum number of minutes that must be saved before adding another driver to a calculated solution.

    • In the Shift travel duration multiplier type a number to use as a multiplier for travel duration for shifts created using this template.

  7. Click Add shift to save your new shift.

A screenshot of the add a shift dialog

Edit an existing shift

If you need to change details for a shift, you can edit it using the Resourcing tab. You can also use this screen to remove shifts.

Editing an existing shift

  1. In the NowGo dashboard, click Resourcing.

  2. In the Shifts tab, locate the shift you want to edit, and click the pencil icon to open the Edit shift screen.

  3. Change the details as required, and click Save changes to update the shift. If the update is successful, a green notification message is shown at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Optional: If you want to remove a driver account, click Remove shift from this screen.

🚨WARNING: If you remove a shift with completed stops, you could encounter problems with reporting and accounting for consignments. When you remove a shift with uncompleted stops, those stops are automatically unassigned.

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