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Selecting jobs and shifts

From the dashboard, there are range of ways you can quickly select stops, jobs, and shifts. Find the way that works best for you.

Updated over a month ago

While you are using the dispatch dashboard, you might find yourself needing to select multiple jobs and shifts to edit, assign, or perform other actions on them. This article describes the different ways you can select jobs and shifts from the dispatch tab, so that you can find the method that works best for you.

This article shows how to select multiple jobs and shifts. For information about how to sort unassigned jobs, and how to filter assigned jobs, see the managing jobs article.

Select jobs in the jobs list

You can select a single job or multiple jobs from the dispatch tab. Click the eye icon next to unassigned jobs to show or hide them.

A portion of the dispatch screen, showing 4 shifts, two that are hidden from view.

Hold Shift and click jobs to select them. Hold Shift and click again to deselect.

Select jobs in the map

You can click and drag the map and use the +/- buttons in the bottom right hand corner to zoom in and out of the map to your desired view.

Hold down shift, and click and drag to create a bounding box that selects all stops within it:

A gif showing how to use shift+click and drag to create a bounding box to select multiple jobs

Select shifts from the list

You can select a single shift or multiple shifts from the dispatch tab. Click the eye icon next to shifts to show or hide them.

Hold Shift and click jobs to select them. Hold Shift and click again to deselect.

Select shifts from the map

You can click and drag the map and use the +/- buttons in the bottom right hand corner to zoom in and out of the map to your desired view.

Hold down shift, and click and drag to create a bounding box that selects all stops within it:

A gif showing how to use shift+click and drag to create a bounding box to select multiple shifts
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